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  Pokerbility: the most accurate Poker Odds Calculator

Pokerbility claims to be the most accurate Poker Odds Calculator. This calculator uses a proprietary, patent-pending Calculation Method called: CombiCalcâ„¢.

Visit: Pokerbility

Obtain more in-depth info about Pokerbility

Pokerbility instantly calculates the odds of your current hand, giving you a clear picture and recommendation of what you should do in real time, according to the calculated probabilites between you and your opponent.

Choose your style of play - from tight to loose, from passive to aggressive.

Use the software to gain a competitive advantage over the other players on the table.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface blends into the natural environment of the online poker room.

  Watch Multiple Tables Simultaneously!

MTH - MultiTableHelper

Here's a tool that will watch multiple tables and simplify the process of playing up to 12 tables at once.

I need to test it but it definitely looks promising.  It can be challenging to keep up with the action at many tables yet the returns per hour can be much greater if handled successfully.

MTH - Multi Table Helper

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with this exceptional poker calculator. First, see it in action ... (select the demo above). Then click on the "King" to receive the calculator ... free!

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