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  Poker Robots: Not quite as smart as humans ... yet!

Carnegie Mellon researchers' robot outsmarts Texas Hold'Em programs - Network World

Computer program not smart enough to beat humans - yet.

Computer scientists have moved beyond figuring out how to beat computerized chess systems and are now tackling automated Texas Hold'Em programs.

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  World Poker Robot Championship 2005: Man vs. Machine

World Poker Robot Championship

Overview / Rules

(Drafted by: Darse Billings, Jonathan Schaeffer, Aaron Davidson, Kurt Lange, and the WPRC organizers and participants)

Poker is a game of both luck and skill. Skill will win out in the long run, but luck plays a significant role over the short term. The World Poker Robot Championship (WPRC) tournament structure has been designed to keep the competition fun and exciting, while also giving the best programs a chance to show their stuff.

There will be eight sessions of play, each lasting about four hours, or as long as necessary to determine a winner. Each session is a complete tournament, with players being eliminated continuously until one player has won all of the chips, and the round. The lowest finishers in the first four rounds will be relegated to a "last-chance" pool, and will have one last chance to show that they deserve to compete for the grand prize.

The three best (or luckiest!) programs will advance to the grand final on the third day. The winner of that tournament will be declared the Golden World Poker Robot Champion, and will be awarded the grand prize of $100,000.

The newly crowned WPRC Champion will play an exhibition tournament match against the University of Alberta, for bragging rights to computer poker-playing supremacy.

Finally, the champion of the heads-up tournament match between the WPRC Champion and the University of Alberta will then play a heads-up Man vs. Machine tournament match against poker pro, Phil Laak.

Event # 2: Amateur Robot Champion vs. University of Alberta Robot

World Poker Robot Championship (more details)

Amateur Robot Champion (pokerprobot) vs. University of Alberta Robot (Poki-X)
 PlayerStarting ChipsPlacedNumber Hands 

Event # 3: Man vs. Machine Poker Challenge

Man vs. Machine (Pokerprobot) (more details)

Phil Laak aka "the Unabomber" vs. Hilton Givens pokerprobot
 PlayerStarting ChipsPlacedNumber Hands 
 Phil Laak$150001st399

Man vs. Machine (Poki-X) (more details)

Phil Laak aka "the Unabomber" vs. UofA's Poki-X
 PlayerStarting ChipsPlacedNumber Hands 
 Phil Laak$150001st290

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