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  How to choose the best poker tool ...

A great discussion of:

  • the poker calculator;
  • the poker tracker; and
  • the poker assistant ...

to help you Play ... Learn ... Win!

View it here.

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  Treasure Hunt has announced an exclusive Treasure Hunt:

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  Email from Card Player Cruises re: US Legislation

To our Valued Customers and Friends,

As you may or may not know, legislation was recently passed (in the early hours of Saturday morning, September 30, 2006) concerning online gaming. The US Senate, or more appropriately, majority leader Bill Frist, attached the "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006" to the main bill - The Safe Port Act - on which they were voting. Obviously, Internet gaming has nothing to do with making our ports safe but, unfortunately, that's politics at its worst. The bill was passed by a voice vote. This was the last piece of legislation acted upon before breaking until after the election. We have received many calls and emails asking how those who play Internet poker and specifically, on Party Poker will be affected. Below are some of the questions we've received and, in our opinions, their answers:

Q - Is my money safe with an Internet gaming site?
A - We can't speak for all sites, but we believe your money is safe at PartyPoker. CPC has been a supporter of Party from the beginning and, as most of you know, CPC hosts one of its cruises each year: the Party PokerMillion. Party is a publicly traded company on the London Stock Exchange. They are required to segregate the funds that they hold in trust for their players. We absolutely believe that the money you have on deposit is safe. As for all of the other sites, we cannot offer an opinion.

Q - Should I continue to play online poker?
A - The bill has not been signed yet, so it isn't official at this time. Once the bill is signed, Party Poker and some others will probably suspend US operations while looking for a solution. Even when the bill is signed by President Bush, many sites will continue to operate until the law becomes effective, which is estimated at 3-9 months. It is our understanding at this time that Party plans to stop accepting players from the United States on their real money sites (play money sites will probably continue). Should you continue to play? That is up to you, but there is likely to be very little attention paid to the individuals who are playing regardless. Currently there are 8 states that do not allow individuals to play poker on the Internet, Nevada being one of them, but there has never been any move by any governmental agency to enforce state law in this area. This new law is directed at the sites, not the individual players. It is important to note that, once signed, the new legislation will not criminalize individuals for playing poker online.

Q - What can I do to help make Internet poker legal, licensed and taxable in the US?
A - During the period between when the President signs the bill and the law goes into effect (3-9 months), it is very important that each of us make our voice heard. The Poker Players Alliance is going to lead the fight to get a poker exclusion added to the current bill. If this is unsuccessful, then the PPA will work toward getting an individual bill passed legalizing Internet poker. There is a lot of money behind this effort, but the most important item is to be able to tell Congress that we, as poker players, want the right to play poker on the Internet. In order to do this, the membership of PPA needs to grow from its current 125,000 to 1,000,000 (at a minimum) by the end of the year. To do this, we all need to join and get others to join as well. We encourage everyone to go to - - and join the Poker Players Alliance. If each of us asks five friends to join, and they in turn encourage five others to join, Congress will see that there is a large and powerful contingency that supports poker! Also, a petition will be sent to Congress that you can sign here via the Internet

Q - What is the future of online poker?
A - While the long term effects are not yet known, we believe that the major poker sites, the PPA, and others are doing all they can to either get poker excluded from the legislation, or regulated. The future looks very bleak right now. We have lost the battle but we can still win the war! It is important for us all to remain calm and stay informed. We will continue to be a strong advocate for poker and do our best to keep everyone updated.


Card Player Cruises

Linda, Jan and Mark


  Noted Legal Expert I. Nelson Rose's Views On Recent Legislation

October 02, 2006
Earl Burton

Monday brought a flood of action in response to the passage of Internet gaming legislation in the U. S. Congress late Friday evening. Some companies have come out already and stated that they will suspend American action from their sites (most notably PartyGaming and while others have yet to decide what action to take. I was interested in the analysis of the issue from one of the finest legal minds on gambling when I contacted Professor I. Nelson Rose over the weekend.

Professor Rose is viewed as the foremost authority on gambling law. He has published several books on the subject, most notably his book from 1986 "Gambling and The Law", and continues to write many articles regarding the subject. He also is a professorof law at Whittier Law School in California and has been involved both civil and criminal legal cases regarding gaming on both personal and industry wide levels. His views regarding the passage of the bill were quite eye opening and his thought processes very complete.

In an e-mail that I received from Professor Rose, he first took on the methods through which the bill was passed. "Would-be presidential candidate Sen. Bill Frist warped the law-making process to score a few points with his right-wing religious base," he stated in the opening of our conversation. Professor Rose quickly moved on to his analysis of the bill by remarking, "The new law will be difficult to enforce. It only applies to "unlawful" gaming, but does not expand the reach of the main federal anti-gaming statute, the Wire Act. So, there are still going to be arguments that Internet poker, for example, is not unlawful."

"The new crime on transferring money only applies to gambling businesses," he continued. "Payment processors are not covered, unless prosecutors want to use theories of aiding and abetting. Treasury will make new regulations to require money transferors to identify and block funds from gambling sites. Banks will thus not be required to read paper checks."

When looking at offshore payment processing houses, Professor Rose pointed out a very important factor. "Why should NETeller comply with U.S. regulations? The U.S. and state Attorneys General can get court orders preventing ISPs from hosting sites that transfer money, but NETeller is not hosted by a U.S. server. Foreign nations are not usually required to enforce U.S. injunctions."

Professor Rose was also kind enough to send along his complete, line-by-line breakdown of the legislation as it appears in the Port Security bill that is awaiting President Bush's action. You can visit Professor Rose's website,, to view the entire text and I certainly appreciate the time Professor Rose took to respond on this issue during his teachings overseas.


Recently conducted an exclusive interview with Jeff Brinks, Vice President of Pokerbility. Here's what a reviewer had to say ...

"Whoever came up with the statement 'right from the horse's mouth' has probably never had their face anywhere near the maw of an equine. Being one who was raised around horses I will say that this is not a place you want your nose anywhere near. The sentiment behind the saying though, is that you need to hear something from the original source. did just that when they interview Jeff Brinks, Vice President of Pokerbility.

This in-depth interview with one of the creative minds behind the industries best poker odds calculator covers a number of subjects from how the product was developed and why it is light years ahead of any of its competitors to such silly subjects as is using Pokerbility a legal form of cheating? The accuracy of the product does give the player an "unfair" edge over other novice and average competitors as well as elevating one's game to the level of an expert.

It is fascinating to hear how has used mathematicians, engineers, and professional poker players to develop this product and make it the dominant tool among the odds calculators available to the public."

Hear the 20-minute interview at Interview with Jeff Brinks.


  Online Gambling Hedges Its U.S. Bets

By Kate Norton

Under attack in the States, some online gambling sites are merging and looking for growth elsewhere. Despite the odds, others are staying
The U.S. Congress has yet to pass the pending legislation cracking down on Internet gambling. But in the meantime, the Justice Dept. has cast a much deeper freeze over the business with its July arrest of BetOnSports Chief Executive David Carruthers.

Now, under pursuit of U.S. legal authorities, European online gaming companies are scrambling to reduce their exposure in the U.S. and find new markets in Europe and Asia. Industry insiders say the trend could signal the start of a major wave of consolidation. Earlier this month, PartyGaming, the world's biggest Web poker company, spent $131 million to buy Bulgarian-based Gamebookers, a sports betting business focused on Continental Europe.

According to Aug. 21 news reports, Gibraltar-based PartyGaming is also the top candidate to bag rival Victor Chandler, which has no U.S. exposure. The potential loss of their U.S. markets is devastating for online gaming companies. Last year Americans gambled about $5.9 billion online—around half the global total. Some companies garner an even bigger chunk of revenues with U.S. players.

PartyGaming, for instance, scored about 85% of its nearly $1 billion in 2005 sales in the U.S.

BIG BACKLASH. But companies are now facing up to the possibility that they'll lose their fight with Washington. The Justice Dept. is pursuing leading online gambling executives and even putting pressure on media to drop online gambling advertisements



So many Americans use their computers to gamble on overseas websites that if those virtual casinos were to be regulated and taxed by American authorities, tax revenues would be in the billions of dollars. But the federal government says Internet gambling is 100 percent illegal, and people who want to keep it that way believe that the sites - legal in more and more foreign countries - can never really be effectively regulated. What’s more, they say, those sites can and do corrupt children and create more addicted gamblers. Lesley Stahl examines this contentious issue in a 60 MINUTES report to be broadcast Sunday, Nov. 20 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

In Britain, where many online gambling firms are based, a gaming executive says America’s treasury is missing out. "We calculated that were America to have regulated the industry in 2004, the American states would have earned $1.2 billion in tax," says Nigel Payne, who runs the London-based Sportingbet, one of the biggest online gaming companies. Payne says he would be glad to pay an American tax in return for regulation of his industry, which he believes would eliminate some of the less-than-reputable sites he competes with. Payne estimates that 12.5 million Americans gamble on the Internet. Bets placed from the U.S. comprise as much as 80 percent of global online gambling, and contribute most of the $10 billion in profit the overseas "I-gaming" industry will make this year.

Despite a long-standing federal ban, more Americans gamble more money on the Internet each year. U.S. authorities have never prosecuted individual bettors and don’t plan to start. Website operators are beyond the reach of U.S. law because they’re all based overseas, so they operate with impunity...even spending millions to advertise here.

The U.S.’s own domestic gambling industry, ...

Gambling Online Magazine

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  Listen to a Poker Calculator Executive? ...

In an exclusive 20 minute interview, Jeff Brinks, Vice President of Pokerbility describes the benefits of using a poker calculator; he gives a unique behind-the-scenes look at the development of Pokerbility; he describes the results of a study that shows that 93% of players who used Pokerbility played better poker; we discuss the growth of online poker ... and a number of other topics.

Listen by 'Clicking' on this link and view reviews, in-depth info, and more!

  Ring Games vs. Tournament Play

Ring game poker versus tournament poker is the difference between dedication and inspiration. Ring game play values steadiness, repetition, an even keel, consistently making the mathematically correct play, showing up day after day and playing better than your opponents. Tournaments value "seizing the day." The ability to inspirationally find a successful play in critical situations is far more valuable in a tournament. The General you want running your army during peacetime will not necessarily be the best General in the heat of battle. The best movie director of a tender love scene may not be the best to blow up Mars. Different skills are required.

Turn Turn Turn - Poker Adapting




There are two main options when deciding to play poker: tournaments or cash games. There are pros and cons to each and you should know the facts in order to decide which is best for you.

A big difference in tournament play is that you know the amount you have to gamble and you know the amount you are going to win. If the buy in is $100, you know that is all you have to risk to win the prize pool. In cash games your expenses can be immeasurable. On the flip side, you can catch a bad beat in a tournament by a bad player and not be able to regain your money lost, whereas in a cash game you can earn it back later by taking advantage of lesser players.

Luck in poker is a very important part to winning. Yes, you definitely need the skill, but to win a large event you have to have the luck. With Internet sites giving away seats to big events daily, the quality of the player has changed. World Poker Tour winner Ron Rose explains, "Some of the fresher players are playing some hands that they shouldn't have been playing and they get lucky and they hit and they knock out a good player, so it's more difficult now to win and luck plays more of a factor in the game because of the larger field."

A lot of pros will say that skill shows more in cash games over the long run. "If you are a cash game player there is more consistency in winning those games then you would find in tournaments. You are just going to win more often. In tournaments you could go a long time without having a big score," says professional player and World Series of Poker bracelet winner Brett Jungblut. The reason why a lot of pros are playing tournaments is because of the media coverage and the added benefits from being a recognized player. Also, players are motivated by the enormous prize pools and, of course, the legacy of World Series bracelets.

Another advantage to cash games is that you have the time to really observe your opponents. Making a decision in poker should be based on your competition. You have to know who the aggressor is, and who the weaker players are. In cash games you can take the time to watch and figure out other players strategies. In tournaments you can be switched around at any point to another table after you had just figured out a read on your opponents.

If you feel that tournaments are for you then you should be sure to enter into ones that are within your bankroll. If you have developed a poker bankroll of $50 a month then you should be entering small tournaments with a buy in of $1. You shouldn't be risking more than two percent of your bankroll on one tournament. If you are playing cash games you can play online for $0.10/$0.20 or $0.50/$1.00.

As you build your bankroll then you can move up. That is an important part of poker. You must play within your means and as you earn more money you can move up to higher tournament buy in's and higher limits in cash games. Some pros have moved up quickly through limits, but wouldn't necessarily recommend it to beginners. Three time WPT Champion Gus Hansen admits that he moved to playing the largest cash game in the world sooner than he should have. "I moved up and down through limits a lot. If I won a lot I would move up, but then if I lost I would move back down. I have never been afraid to gamble."

In poker you should never have fear, but you should be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of what is at stake and what your possibilities of gain are. Based on all of that information you can decide whether tournaments or cash are best for you.


  U.S. tries to cut off online casinos

U.S. tries to cut off online casinos
By Matt Richtel and Heather Timmons The New York TimesTUESDAY, JULY 25, 2006-->Published: July 25, 2006

While prosecutors argue that Internet casinos violate the law, there is no U.S. federal prohibition against actually placing a bet. So how much success the federal push can have "is a very profound question," said Representative Jim Leach, Republican of Iowa, the co- author of the legislation, who says the gambling is detrimental to families and the economy.

The question of further curbing Internet gambling has been a perennial issue in Congress in recent years. But people involved with the legislation say the reason for its success, at least in the House, is mainly explained by lawmakers wanting to distance themselves from the corruption scandal involving Jack Abramoff, the convicted lobbyist, and his association with Indian casinos. Abramoff had lobbied vigorously against versions of the bill in the past. Still, some politicians in the House came out strongly against the bill, including Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, who called it "cultural authoritarianism."

Industry executives and analysts say similar bills have failed in the Senate, and many feel that it is unlikely to gain traction there.

Nevertheless, executives, lawyers and analysts say that Washington, depending on the resources it is willing to commit, can at least make life more miserable for the offshore casinos.


  Is it a Crime to Play Online Poker?

#159 © Copyright 2003, all rights reserved worldwide Gambling and the Law® is a registered trademark of Professor I Nelson Rose, Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa, CAIs It A Crime To Play Poker On-line

Copyrighted article by Professor Rose of Whittier Law School

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  Poker Calculators and The Slansky Group Hand Rankings

Poker: Poker Calculators and The Slansky Group Hand Rankings

A blog entry by Barbara featuring an article by Marty Smith

ou may have noticed that while using your poker calculator it displays your hand odds while also using terminology like “hand rank”, “group”, or “group rank” all of which in some way or another refer to author David Slansky’s Group Hand ranking for hold’em poker. Originally described in the classic book, "Hold'em Poker for Advanced Players", Slansky rated all the starting hands and put them in groups according to their similar win rate.

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  Play up to 12 online tables at once!

Poker Table Manager: The worlds first online poker table manager.

The Poker Table Manager is a must have tool for poker players which allows you to play up to 12 online texas hold'em poker tables at once quickly and easily by eliminating the need to constantly monitor all the tables yourself. The Poker Table Manager will take care of each of the tables you tell it to.

The Poker Table Manager will read in a list of hands you wish to play, then automatically monitor the poker tables you are taking part, checking to see if any of these hands have been dealt to you and automatically folding the cards that you do not want to play. When the program does find a hand you want, the poker table manager will automatically rearrange the tables to show the table where the hand has been found and wait for you to play the hand as you see fit.

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  Understanding odds and outs ...

From Island of Poker:

In Poker your actions are decided by both the amount of money/chips involved and the chance to catch your draws.

A few short definitions are necessary to understand the content of this site (and any other Poker site/Poker literature).

Outs – The number of cards left in the deck that will improve your hand.

Pot Odds – The odds you get when comparing the current size of the pot vs. your next call.

Implied Odds – These odds are difficult to calculate. Implied odds are what you expect your opponents are ready to put into the pot if you draw to your hand.


  Is Online Poker Legal?

Is Online Poker Legal? ... Online Poker and United States Law
by Steve Badger

Online Poker Legal? - Internet Gambling Law and Online Poker

Legality of Online Poker

The direct answer to the title question is: I don't know.

Several recent events have brought attention to the legal standing of online wagering in general. The first thing to understand is the skill game of poker is not the same as sports betting nor even "random chance" casino games like craps and roulette. It may be treated the same eventually, but it may not. Legal precedent for a lot of this simply does not exist. As of this writing, no person has been charged, let alone brought to trial, let alone convicted, let alone sentenced for playing online poker. But this does not guarantee one or more of these things will not happen in the future.

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  Pokerbility: the most accurate Poker Odds Calculator

Pokerbility claims to be the most accurate Poker Odds Calculator. This calculator uses a proprietary, patent-pending Calculation Method called: CombiCalc™.

Visit: Pokerbility

Obtain more in-depth info about Pokerbility

Pokerbility instantly calculates the odds of your current hand, giving you a clear picture and recommendation of what you should do in real time, according to the calculated probabilites between you and your opponent.

Choose your style of play - from tight to loose, from passive to aggressive.

Use the software to gain a competitive advantage over the other players on the table.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface blends into the natural environment of the online poker room.

  Watch Multiple Tables Simultaneously!

MTH - MultiTableHelper

Here's a tool that will watch multiple tables and simplify the process of playing up to 12 tables at once.

I need to test it but it definitely looks promising.  It can be challenging to keep up with the action at many tables yet the returns per hour can be much greater if handled successfully.

MTH - Multi Table Helper

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  Poker Bot Proves its Mettle, but Loses to Poker Pro Phil Laak.

In the struggle between man and machine, when it comes to poker, man still holds the upper hand. Poker bots (short for robot) have been popping up everywhere, each new program claiming to accurately mimic expert human poker play, for "guaranteed" success in the online poker room. A group of developers and real-life poker pros got together at Binion's Gambling Hall in Las Vegas to test this claim.

Poker Bot Proves its Mettle, but Loses to Poker Pro Phil Laak - Poker Forum

Tuesday July 19, 2005 3:58:28 pm EDT

A post about the World Poker Robot Championship, which took place at Binion's.

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  Mooraculator ... Hand Input Poker Calculator.

Many users across the globe agree that The Mooraculator is the fastest and most affordable piece of poker strategy software among its its very limited competition.

A $30 poker calculator that requires hand-input from the user ... it does not aurtomatically attach to the software.

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  Poker Tools Categorized ... which is best for me?

An In-depth overview of the three types of Online Poker Tools: The Online Poker Calculator; The Online Poker Tracker; and The Online Poker Assistant.  Which one is best for your style of play?  check it our ...

Best Online Poker Tools (Calculators, Assistants, and Trackers)

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Saturday ... A site dedicated to finding the Best Poker Tools

"Looking for the Best Poker Tools for Home, Online Poker or the WSOP?"

The Best Poker Tools for Home, Online Poker, or the WSOP

Armed with insights and the best poker tools from you'll decide how far your Poker Mastery will take you, be it at home, at online poker, or perhaps as the next WSOP champion. The choice is yours ... so next time, let's meet at the Final Table!

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  A Forum post re: Best Poker Tools for online analysis

I assume you are looking for a piece of software that will capture handdata, analyze people's betting tendencies, categorize players you haveseen in the past by their betting tendencies, and allow you to takenotes and track your wins and losses in order to decide which games ortourneys to join.If so, then the two most poplar programs are PokerTracker andPokerOffice.

Google Groups:


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  The importance of Starting Hands ...

The most important decision a player will make in Hold'em is deciding which hands to play. Most players lose because they play too many hands. The best two-card hand you can be dealt is ...

Starting Hands

by Bill Burton

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  Want to see the mathematics of starting hands explained clearly?

See this discussion by undream2 ...

Basic Part of Math Poker - Combinations

  Pre-Flop Strategy ... the Value of Starting Hands

One of the most fundamental elements in Texas Hold'em is to know the value of the different starting hands.

While using a poker category , some fundamentals are critical to understand first ...   here's one article:

Pre-flop Strategy

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  Blogrolling on my own site

  Google's List of Poker Software Tools


  Should an Online Player be concerned about Bot's?

Are poker ‘bots’ raking online pots?
Some suspect computer programs have infiltrated Internet games

Concern is growing in online chat rooms and news groups devoted to poker that sophisticated card-playing robots – known as “bots” in the nomenclature of the Web – are being used on commercial gambling sites to fleece newcomers, the strategy-impaired and maybe even above-average players.
“It is pretty much a certainty that bots are playing online,” said Gautam Rao, a 43-year-old Canadian poker pro who regularly plays three high-stakes Internet games simultaneously. “… What we don’t know is how strong they are.”


  Poker Robots: Not quite as smart as humans ... yet!

Carnegie Mellon researchers' robot outsmarts Texas Hold'Em programs - Network World

Computer program not smart enough to beat humans - yet.

Computer scientists have moved beyond figuring out how to beat computerized chess systems and are now tackling automated Texas Hold'Em programs.

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